Monday, June 2, 2008

Dermatologist and how do i get rid of my acne

4. Take your multivitamins. Make sure that the vitamins contain a zinc supplement. Zinc helps in making your skin stronger and acne resistant.
One particular skin care treatment is an exfoliation skin peel which cleans the skin and helps control the spread of the condition. This type of peel helps reduce the chance of oil clogging up the pores as well as removing other skin impurities; this can reduce the bacterium growth on your skin.
A stronger acne cleanser may be used although if it makes the back acne worse then try a gentler cleanser. It is important to also use an exfoliant to remove the dead skin cells. Too much scrubbing however is not recommended for this can aggravate the acne. Glycolic and salicylic acids found in over the counter products are also helpful in fighting back acne.
tags: acne free moisturizer, getting rid of acne scarres, tips for removing acne spots

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